Investigated the effects of different magnetic field strengths and configurations on the structure of the stellar atmosphere of solar-type stars.

Hello there!
I'm Mason Ng, a Postdoctoral Researcher at the McGill Department of Physics and the Trottier Space Institute at McGill.
I am using the Canadian Hydrogen Mapping Intensity Experiment (CHIME) to uncover the emission mechanisms and local magneto-ionic environments of fast radio bursts with radio polarimetry. I am also interested in multiwavelength counterparts to fast radio bursts, and large scale multiwavelength pulsar search surveys! I also use a range of X-ray telescopes and techniques to understand the evolution and dynamics of neutron star binaries.
About Me
I am Wei Chieh Ng (Mason) (personal pronouns: he/him).
I am currently a Postdoctoral Researcher at McGill's Department of Physics and Trottier Space Institute at McGill. I was previously a graduate (PhD) student at MIT's Department of Physics and the MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research. I primarily worked with Professor Deepto Chakrabarty and Dr. Herman Marshall on X-ray timing, spectroscopic, and polarimetric analyses of accreting neutron stars with a whole range of X-ray telescopes, including NICER and IXPE. I also "learnt the ropes" from titans like Dr. Paul Ray, Dr. Ronald Remillard, and Dr. Jack Steiner (plus many others along the way). I also collaborate frequently with members of the NICER Science Team and IXPE Science Team.
This website, like myself, are works in progress. Some of the design elements were inspired by Guðmundur Stefánsson. You can learn more about me and my previous endeavors in the other sections of my website.
Here is the most recent version of my CV (March 2025).
This is my CV from prior to September 2018, though lightly edited to reflect my current position. I leave it here for posterity.
Current Research
My present work focuses on these areas:
Revealing the emission mechanisms and local magneto-ionic environments of fast radio bursts with radio polarimetry
Understanding the evolution and dynamics of interacting neutron star binaries (through X-ray timing, spectroscopy)
Developing and maintaining a pipeline for pulsation searches and systematic timing/spectral analysis on archival and incoming NICER data
Using X-ray polarimetry to understand the magnetic field morphology and accretion geometries of compact objects (with the recently-ish launched Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer)
Publications (ORCID; NASA/ADS Library)
First/Co-first author
6 Mason Ng, et al. 2024. NICER Discovery that SRGA J144459.2-604207 is an Accreting Millisecond X-ray Pulsar. ApJ, 968, L7.
5 Mason Ng, et al. 2024. X-ray and Radio Monitoring of the Neutron Star Low Mass X-ray Binary 1A 1744-361: Quasi Periodic Oscillations, Transient Ejections, and a Disk Atmosphere. ApJ, 966, 232.
4 Mason Ng, et al. 2022. Spectral Evolution of Ultraluminous X-Ray Pulsar NGC 300 ULX-1. ApJ, 940, 138.
3 Herman L. Marshall, Mason Ng, et al. (IXPE Collaboration + Norbert S. Schulz, Deepto Chakrabarty) 2022. Observations of 4U 1626-67 with the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer. ApJ, 940, 70.
2 Mason Ng, Paul S. Ray, Peter Bult, Deepto Chakrabarty, et al. 2021. NICER Discovery of Millisecond Pulsations and an Ultracompact Orbit in IGR J17494-3030. ApJL, 908, 15.
1 M. Ng, N.M. Nielsen, G.G. Kacprzak et al. 2019. Kinematics of the OVI Circumgalactic Medium: Halo Mass Dependence and Outflow Signatures. ApJ, 886, 66.
1 Mason Ng, et al. 2024. Tentative Blazar Candidate EP240709A Associated with 4FGL J0031.5-5648: NICER and Archival Multiwavelength Observations. RNAAS, 8, 292.
47 María Alejandra Díaz Teodori, et al. (5 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2025. NICER observations of type-I X-ray bursts from the ultra-compact X-ray binary M15 X-2. A&A, 695, A44.
46 George Younes, et al. (21 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2025. Timing and Spectral Evolution of the Magnetar 1E 1841-045 in Outburst Submitted. arXiv:2502.20079.
45 Alessandro Papitto, et al. (24 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2025. Discovery of Polarized X-Ray Emission from the Accreting Millisecond Pulsar SRGA J144459.2-604207. A&A, 694, 37.
44 A. Marino, et al. (34 co-authors including M. Ng) 2025. Einstein Probe Discovery of EP J005245.1−722843: A Rare Be-White Dwarf Binary in the Small Magellanic Cloud?. ApJ, 980, 36.
43 Brendan O'Connor, et al. (32 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2024. Characterization of a Peculiar Einstein Probe Transient EP240408a: An Exotic Gamma-Ray Burst or an Abnormal Jetted Tidal Disruption Event? ApJ, 979, 30.
42 Andrea Gnarini, et al. (13 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2024. First spectropolarimetric observation of the neutron star low-mass X-ray binary GX 3+1. A&A, 692, 123.
41 Rachael Stewart, et al. (17 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2024. X-ray polarization of the magnetar 1E 1841-045 in outburst. Accepted. arXiv:2412.16036.
40 Emma T. Chickles, et al. (38 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2024. A gravitational wave detectable candidate Type Ia supernova progenitor. In Review. arXiv:2411.19916.
39 Sofia V. Forsblom, et al. (15 Tier 1 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2024. Probing the polarized emission from SMC X-1: the brightest X-ray pulsar observed by IXPE. A&A, 691, 216.
38 Robin H. D. Corbet, et al. (22 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2024. Sharp Periodic Flares and Long-Term Variability in the High-Mass X-ray Binary XTE J1829-098 from RXTE PCA, Swift BAT and MAXI Observations. ApJ, 976, 137.
37 Yash Bhargava, Thomas D. Russell, Mason Ng, et al. (13 co-authors) 2024. X-ray and Radio Campaign of the Z-source GX 340+0 II: the X-ray polarization in the normal branch. In Review. arXiv:2411.00350.
36 Gaurava K. Jaisawal, et al. (16 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2024. A Comprehensive Study of Thermonuclear X-Ray Bursts from 4U 1820-30 with NICER: Accretion Disk Interactions and a Candidate Burst Oscillation. ApJ, 975, 67.
35 F. Ursini, et al. (13 co-authors including M. Ng) 2024. X-ray spectropolarimetry of the bright atoll Serpens X-1. A&A, 690, 200.
34 Bas Dorsman, et al. (12 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2024. Parameter constraints for accreting millisecond pulsars with synthetic NICER data. In Review. arXiv:2409.07908.
33 Yash Bhargava, Mason Ng, et al. (13 co-authors) 2024. X-ray and Radio campaign of the Z-source GX 340+0: discovery of X-ray polarization and its implications. In Review. arXiv:2405.19324.
32 Anna Bobrikova, et al. (24 Tier 1 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2024. Discovery of a strong rotation of the X-ray polarization angle in the galactic burster GX 13+1. A&A, 688, 170.
31 Birendra Chhotaray, et al. (6 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2024. Long-term study of the first Galactic ultraluminous X-ray source Swift J0243.6+6124 using NICER. ApJ, 963, 132.
30 Jeremy Heyl, et al. (10 Tier 1 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2024. The detection of polarized x-ray emission from the magnetar 1E 2259+586. MNRAS, 527, 12219.
29 Manoj Mandal, et al. (12 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2023. Probing spectral and timing properties of the X-ray pulsar RX J0440.9+4431 in the giant outburst of 2022-2023. MNRAS, 526, 771.
28 Roberto Turolla, et al. (15 Tier 1 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2023. IXPE and XMM-Newton observations of the Soft Gamma Repeater SGR 1806-20. ApJ, 954, 88.
27 A. C. Albayati, et al. (12 co-authors including M. Ng) 2023. Thermonuclear Type-I X-ray Bursts and Burst Oscillations from the Eclipsing AMXP Swift J1749.4-2807. MNRAS, 524, 2477.
26 Christian Malacaria, et al. (19 Tier 1 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2023. A polarimetric-oriented X-ray stare at the accreting pulsar EXO 2030+375. A&A, 675, 29.
25 G. K. Jaisawal, et al. (9 co-authors including M. Ng) 2023. On the cyclotron absorption line and evidence of the spectral transition in SMC X-2 during 2022 giant outburst. MNRAS, 521, 3951.
24 Paul A. Draghis, et al. (9 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2023. The Spin of a Newborn Black Hole: Swift J1728.9-3613. ApJ, 947, 39.
23 Mayura Balakrishnan, et al. (14 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2023. The Black Hole Candidate Swift J1728.9-3613 and the Supernova Remnant G351.9-0.9. ApJ, 947, 38.
22 G. C. Mancuso, et al. (10 co-authors including M. Ng) 2023. Detection of millihertz quasi-periodic oscillations in the low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1730–22 with NICER. MNRAS, 521, 5616.
21 Silvia Zane, et al. (26 Tier 1 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2023. A strong X-ray polarization signal from the magnetar 1RXS J170849.0-400910. ApJL, 944, 27.
20 Giulia Illiano, et al. (21 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2022. Timing analysis of the 2022 outburst of SAX J1808.4-3658: hints of an orbital shrinking. ApJL, 942, 40.
19 C. Malacaria, et al. (13 co-authors including M. Ng) 2022. The unaltered pulsar: GRO J1750-27, a super-critical X-ray neutron star that does not blink an eye. A&A, 669, 38.
18 Sergey S. Tsygankov, et al. (17 Tier 1 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2022. The X-ray polarimetry view of the accreting pulsar Cen X-3. ApJL, 941, 14.
17 Peter Bult, et al. (13 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2022. The thermonuclear X-ray bursts of 4U 1730-22. ApJ, 940, 81.
16 Roberto Taverna, et al. (21 Tier 1 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2022. Polarized x-rays from a magnetar. Science, 378, 646.
15 A. Sanna, et al. (14 co-authors including M. Ng) 2022. MAXI J1957+032: a new accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar in an ultra-compact binary. MNRAS, 516, L76.
14 Peter Bult, et al. (17 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2022. The Discovery of the 528.6 Hz Accreting Millisecond X-Ray Pulsar MAXI J1816-195. ApJL, 935, 32.
13 Tolga Guver, et al. (13 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2022. Burst-Disk Interaction in 4U 1636-536 as observed by NICER. ApJ, 935, 154.
12 A. Marino, et al. (20 co-authors including M. Ng) 2022. Outflows and spectral evolution in the eclipsing AMXP SWIFT J1749.4-2807 with NICER, XMM-Newton and NuSTAR. MNRAS, 515, 3838.
11 Kishalay De, et al. (26 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2022. SRGA J181414.6-225604: A New Galactic Symbiotic X-Ray Binary Outburst Triggered by an Intense Mass-loss Episode of a Heavily Obscured Mira Variable. ApJ, 935, 36.
10 A. Sanna, et al. (17 co-authors including M. Ng) 2022. On the peculiar long-term orbital evolution of the eclipsing accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar SWIFT J1749.4-2807. MNRAS, 514, 4385.
9 R.M. Ludlam, et al. (10 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2022. Radius Constraints from Reflection Modeling of Cygnus X-2 with NuSTAR and NICER. ApJ, 927, 112.
8 Dheeraj R. Pasham, et al. (18 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2021. Evidence for a Compact Object in the Aftermath of the Extra-Galactic Transient AT2018cow. NatAs, 6, 249.
7 The LIGO Scientific Collaboration; the Virgo Collaboration; the KAGRA Collaboration (including Mason Ng) 2021. Search for continuous gravitational waves from 20 accreting millisecond X-ray pulsars in O3 LIGO data. Phys. Rev. D 105, 022002.
6 Yuhan Yao, et al. (27 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2021. A Comprehensive X-ray Report on AT2019wey. ApJ, 920, 121.
5 Teruaki Enoto, Mason Ng, et al. (25 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2021. A Month of Monitoring the New Magnetar Swift J1555.2-5402 during an X-Ray Outburst. ApJL, 920, 4.
4 D.J.K. Buisson, et al. (26 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2021. Dips and eclipses in the X-ray binary Swift J1858.6-0814 observed with NICER. MNRAS, 503, 5600.
3 Peter Bult, et al. (4 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2021. Long term coherent timing of the accreting millisecond pulsar IGR J17062-6143. ApJ, 912, 120.
2 Peter Bult (12 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2020. The X-ray bursts of XTE J1739-285: a NICER sample. ApJ, 907, 79.
1 J.J. Eldridge, E.R. Stanway, et al. (7 co-authors including M. Ng) 2017. Binary Population and Spectral Synthesis Version 2.1: construction, observational verification and new results. PASA, 34.
ATels and GCN Circulars
47 M. Ng, et al., 2025. NICER detects 245 Hz pulsations from IGR J17511-3057.
46 D. J. K. Buisson, et al. (11 co-authors including M. Ng) 2025. Continued X-ray activity in EXO 0748-676 from NICER observations.
45 Amanda M. Cook, on behalf of the CHIME/FRB Collaboration 2025. CHIME/FRB source FRB 20250206A detected less than 1 minute after LVK binary merger S250206dm, however the probability of spatial coincidence is order 0.1%. ( GCN Circular link)
44 G. Younes, et al. (7 co-authors including M. Ng) 2024. NICER, NuSTAR, and Swift-XRT observations of the Magnetar 1E 1841-045.
43 M. Ng, et al. 2024. NICER Confirms Burst Activity from the Magnetar 1E 1841-045.
42 Manoj Mandal, et al. (7 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2024. NICER observation of Be/X-ray binary pulsar XTE J1946+274 during its 2024 outburst.
41 G. K. Jaisawal, et al. (12 co-authors including M. Ng) 2024. NICER observations of CXOU J005245.0-722844.
40 P. S. Ray, et al. (8 co-authors including M. Ng) 2024. Orbital Solution from NICER monitoring of the newly discovered accreting millisecond pulsar SRGA J144459.2-604207.
39 M. Ng, et al. 2024. NICER Discovers Millisecond Pulsations and a Type I X-ray Burst from SRGA J144459.2-604207.
38 Pragati Pradhan, et al. (8 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2023. NuSTAR looks at Swift J0243.6+6124 during the rise of the 2023 outburst.
37 M. Ng, et al. 2023. NICER Monitors the Rise of the Be/X-ray Binary Swift J0243.6+6124.
36 A. Sanna, M. Ng, et al. (11 co-authors) 2023. NICER confirms a new outburst from IGR J17498-2921.
35 M. Ng, et al. 2023. NICER Detects Pulsations from Swift J0243.6+6124.
34 J. Homan, et al. (7 co-authors including M. Ng) 2023. NICER follow-up observations of transient activity from Terzan 1.
33 J. Homan, et al. (6 co-authors including M. Ng) 2023. NICER observations of MAXI J1834-021: possibly a distant black hole low-mass X-ray binary.
32 Sabyasachi Pal, et al. (15 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2023. Rebrightening of 1 Crab from LS V+44 17 observed by Swift/BAT and NICER.
31 Dheeraj Pasham, et al. (14 co-authors including M. Ng) 2022. NICER observations of X-ray transient LXT 221107A: an exceptional flare from the star HD 251108 (2RXS J060415.1+124554).
30 G. K. Jaisawal, et al. (5 co-authors including M. Ng) 2022. INTEGRAL/JEM-X and NICER follow-up observations of IGR J11435-6109 and 1E 1145.1-6141.
29 G. Illiano, et al. (11 co-authors including M. Ng) 2022. NICER observations of reflares from SAX J1808.4-3658.
28 J. Homan, et al. (9 co-authors including M. Ng) 2022. Strong changes in the X-ray behavior of XTE J1701-462.
27 Robin H. D. Corbet, et al. (13 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2022. Support for a 244 day Period in XTE J1829-098 from Swift BAT, MAXI and RXTE PCA Observations.
26 J. Homan, et al. (8 co-authors including M. Ng) 2022. XTE J1701-462 continues its rise in the soft state.
25 M. Ng, et al. 2022. NICER detects a type I X-ray burst from the M15 field.
24 A. Sanna, et al. (12 co-authors including M. Ng) 2022. NICER confirms a new outburst from SAX J1808.4-3658.
23 Michael T. Wolff, et al. (12 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2022. NICER monitoring of the outburst from the transient X-ray pulsar XTE J1829-098.
22 P. Bult, et al. (11 co-authors including M. Ng) 2022. NICER discovers the ultracompact binary orbit of MAXI J1957+032.
21 M. Ng , et al. 2022. NICER discovers 314 Hz pulsations from MAXI J1957+032.
20 P. Bult, et al. (11 co-authors including M. Ng) 2022. NICER measures the binary orbit of MAXI J1816-195.
19 P. Bult, M. Ng, et al. (14 co-authors) 2022. NICER detects 528 Hz pulsations and a thermonuclear X-ray burst from MAXI J1816-195.
18 M. Ng, et al. 2022. NICER follow-up observations of 1A 1744-361.
17 A. Sanna, et al. (5 co-authors including M. Ng) 2021. NICER follow up of the new X-ray transient Swift J1729.5-3223.
16 P. Bult, et al. (9 co-authors including M. Ng) 2021. NICER detects a type I X-ray burst from 4U 1730-22.
15 M. Ng, et al. 2021. NICER Follow-up of the UCXB MAXI J0911-655.
14 M. Ng, et al. 2021. NICER detection of the X-ray pulsation of Bursting Pulsar GRO J1744-28.
13 M. Ng, et al. 2021. NICER measurement of the period derivative of magnetar Swift J1555.2-5402.
12 T. Enoto, M. Ng, et al. (17 co-authors) 2021. Initial results of a NICER X-ray monitoring of the magnetar, Swift J1555.2-5402.
11 P. Bult, et al. (7 co-authors including M. Ng) 2021. NICER follow-up observations of 4U 1705-32.
10 P. Bult, et al. (11 co-authors including M. Ng) 2021. NICER follow-up observations of MAXI J1803-298.
9 A. Sanna, et al. (7 co-authors including M. Ng) 2021. NICER observations of the new X-ray transient SWIFT J174038.1-273712.
8 A. Sanna, et al. (7 co-authors including M. Ng) 2021. NICER follow up of the new X-ray transient IGR J17533-2928.
7 J. Miller, et al. (6 co-authors including M. Ng) 2021. NICER Spectroscopy of MAXI J1848-015 in the Stellar Cluster GLIMPSE-C01.
6 P. Bult, et al. (9 co-authors including M. Ng) 2021. NICER detects pulsations from Swift J1749.4-2807.
5 M. Ng, et al. 2020. NICER detection of 376 Hz X-ray pulsations from IGR J17494-3030.
4 Y. Yao, et al. (9 co-authors including M. Ng) 2020. X-ray Brightening of AT2019wey.
3 D. J. K. Buisson, et al. (20 co-authors including M. Ng) 2020. NICER and NuSTAR detections of Type I bursts and periodic dips in Swift J1858.6-0814.
2 T. Enoto, et al., on behalf of the NICER Team (14 co-authors including Mason Ng) 2020. NICER detection of 1.36 sec periodicity from a new magnetar, Swift J1818.0-1607.
1 W. Iwakiri, et al. (11 co-authors including M. Ng) 2020. Initial NICER observations of the GRB 200205A = Swift J0840.7-3516 and detection of short X-ray flaring activity.
Talks (* = virtual)
25 (Jul 2024) Invited Talk - Joint IXPE/NICER Workshop. Washington DC, USA. Introduction to ixpeobssim for data analysis.
24 (Jul 2024) Seminar - Chungbuk National University. Daejeon, South Korea. Multifaceted Understanding of Accreting Neutron stars and their Environments.
23 (Jul 2024) Seminar - Chungnam National University. Daejeon, South Korea. Exploring the Frontier of Physics with Neutron Stars.
22 (Jul 2024) Contributed Talk - Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) Assembly 2024. Busan, South Korea. Understanding Polarization Angle Variations in Neutron Stars.
21 (Jul 2024) Contributed Talk (Substitution) - Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) Assembly 2024. Busan, South Korea. Magnetar x-ray polarization results and implications.
20 (Jun 2024) Seminar - INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma. Monte Porzio Catone, Rome, Italy. Probing the Atoll/Z Continuum with Neutron Star Low Mass X-ray Binary 1A 1744-361.
19 (Jun 2024) Seminar - INAF Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali. Rome, Italy. Probing the Atoll/Z Continuum with Neutron Star Low Mass X-ray Binary 1A 1744-361.
18 (Apr 2024) Contributed Talk - 21st Divisional Meeting of the High Energy Astrophysics Division. Horseshoe Bay, Texas, USA. Probing the Atoll/Z Continuum with Neutron Star Low Mass X-ray Binary 1A 1744-361.
17 (Jan 2024) Dissertation Talk - 243rd Meeting of the American Astronomical Society. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. X-ray and Radio Monitoring of the Neutron Star Low Mass X-ray Binary 1A 1744-361: Quasi Periodic Oscillations, Transient Ejections, and a Disk Atmosphere.
16 *(Dec 2023) Invited Talk - Washington University in St. Louis. Multifaceted Understanding of Accreting Neutron stars and their Environments: An X-ray Polarimetric Focus.
15 (Dec 2023) Special Astrophysics Seminar - McGill University. Berkeley, California, USA. Multifaceted Understanding of Accreting Neutron stars and their Environments: An X-ray Polarimetric Focus.
14 (Nov 2023) Department Lunch Talk (Astronomy) - University of California, Berkeley. Berkeley, California, USA. Multifaceted Understanding of Accreting Neutron stars and their Environments: An X-ray Polarimetric Focus.
13 (Nov 2023) Astronomy Tea Talk - California Institute of Technology. Pasadena, California, USA. Multifaceted Understanding of Accreting Neutron stars and their Environments: An X-ray Polarimetric Focus.
12 (Nov 2023) KIPAC Tea Talk - Stanford University. Stanford, California, USA. Understanding Neutron Star Geometry through the Lens of X-ray Polarization.
11 (Oct 2023) Seminar - NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Greenbelt, Maryland, USA. Probing the Accretion Geometry of Neutron Stars with X-ray Polarization.
10 (Oct 2023) Seminar - U.S. Naval Research Laboratory. Washington DC, USA. Probing the Accretion Geometry of Neutron Stars with X-ray Polarization.
9 (Oct 2023) Seminar - University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. Probing the Accretion Geometry of Neutron Stars with X-ray Polarization.
8 (Jan 2023) Contributed Talk - 241st Meeting of the American Astronomical Society. Seattle, Washington, USA. IXPE Observations of the Pulsar 4U 1626-67.
7 (Dec 2022) Seminar - Nanyang Technological University. Singapore. IXPE Observations of the Neutron Star Low-Mass X-ray Binary 4U 1626-67.
6 (Nov 2022) Seminar - JAXA/ISAS. Tokyo, Japan. IXPE Observations of the Neutron Star Low-Mass X-ray Binary 4U 1626-67.
5 (Nov 2022) Seminar - Kyoto University. Kyoto, Japan. IXPE Observations of the Neutron Star Low-Mass X-ray Binary 4U 1626-67.
4 *(Sep 2022) Contributed Talk - Astrophysical Polarimetry in the Time-Domain Era. Lecco, Italy. IXPE Observations of the Pulsar 4U 1626-67.
3 (Jul 2022) Contributed Talk - Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) Assembly 2022. Athens, Greece. IXPE Observations of the Pulsar 4U 1626-67.
2 (Aug 2016) Invited Talk - Auckland Astronomical Society. Auckland, New Zealand. Modelling the spectra of hot stars.
1 (Apr 2016) Contributed Talk - Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand Conference. Napier, New Zealand. Modelling the spectra of hot stars.
5 (Jun 2024) XMM-Newton 2024 Science Workshop: The X-ray Mysteries of Neutron Stars and White Dwarfs. Madrid, Spain. Probing the Atoll/Z Continuum with Neutron Star Low Mass X-ray Binary 1A 1744-361.
4 (Mar 2023) 20th Divisional Meeting of the High Energy Astrophysics Division. Waikōloa, Hawai'i, USA. Discovery of a 7.8 Hz QPO from the High-Intensity Outburst of Dipping NS LMXB 1A 1744-361.
3 (Mar 2023) 20th Divisional Meeting of the High Energy Astrophysics Division. Waikōloa, Hawai'i, USA. IXPE Observations of the Pulsar 4U 1626-67.
2 (Mar 2022) 19th Divisional Meeting of the High Energy Astrophysics Division. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. NICER Pulsation Search and Spectroscopy of the Original Black Widow Pulsar, PSR B1957+20.
1 (Dec 2019) Celebrating 20 Years of Chandra Science Symposium. Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Spectral Evolution of NGC 300 ULX-1.
Past Research
I previously worked on many facets of astrophysics...
In reverse chronological order,
Studied absorber kinematics of 31 OVI absorbers, which exhibited a strong halo mass dependence, where absorbers hosted by L* galaxies have the largest velocity dispersions compared with lower masses and group environments, due to a match between virial temperature and the temperature at which OVI ionization fraction is greatest. Total column densities follow the same behavior, consistent with simulations. Relative absorber--galaxy kinematics of the same sample was studied, though the mass dependence was first normalized out to account for the range of halo masses in the sample. Non-virialized motions due to outflowing gas was observed. Accreting gas signatures were not observed due to multiple line-of-sight structures that were observed, resulting in "kinematic blurring". These results indicate that OVI is not an accurate probe of baryon cycle processes.
There were two projects I carried out:
1) I performed evidence calculations with a trio of codes (CosmoMC, PolyChord, and ModeCode) on several inflationary models, most notable of which is the inflection point inflationary model. Results obtained showed that it is comparable in likelihood to quadratic potentials.
2) I also looked at quantifying the impacts of dark matter on the cosmic microwave background using the 2015 Planck likelihoods, in order to demonstrate the predictive power of dark matter. It was found that dark matter was needed at least at the $10^{100}$ level. While the physical effects of dark matter are well-understood, this quantitative calculation has not been reported in the literature.owave Background.
The results are all summarized in my Senior thesis (US)/Honours thesis (NZ/Aus).
The project involved training a computer to predict image quality from the SkyMapper telescope by considering environmental conditions and telescope configurations. The SkyMapper telescope atop Siding Spring Observatory surveys the entire Southern sky in multiple wavelengths. SkyMapper will inevitably find millions of celestial objects. One result was that the angle of rotation of the CCD camera resulted in visibly lower quality images. Once this was discovered, the SkyMapper team disabled that telescope setting.
Working with Georgie Taylor, we created over 1300 stellar atmosphere models for use in BPASS, the state-of-the-art code incorporating binary stellar systems to predict properties of stellar populations. Results of our work have contributed to the analysis of the recently announced gravitational waves, where it was concluded that similar events are more likely to occur in low-metallicity environments.
Advocacy and Outreach
Since April 2024, I have been a committee member of the newly established American Astronomical Society Working Group for International Students and Researchers in Astronomy. We are charged with supporting the international scholars, and U.S. citizens pursuing astronomical research overseas, within the AAS community. Stay tuned for updates from us!
From 2023-2024, I was the Vice-Chair of the Graduate Research and Development (GRAD) Coalition, the student arm of the GRAD Caucus in the House of Representatives, which represents over 200,000 graduate students in 32 universities over 17 U.S. states. I was responsible for executing the strategic vision set by the Chair, ultimately advocating for graduate student issues, and liaising with Congressional staffers to discuss and advance legislation addressing these issues. Our most notable accomplishment was organizing the Congressional briefing on graduate advising and mentorship in October 2023 in Washington D.C. Before that, I was the Vice-Chair of the MIT Graduate Student Council External Affairs Board (GSC EAB), and was responsible for general programming and maintaining the EAB newsletter. The GSC EAB is broadly the external arm of the MIT GSC, advocating on behalf of MIT graduate students in issues of concern to the group (e.g., climate change, research funding). We typically liaise with staffers in Congress and the Biden administration through letters and meetings. We have also sent out statements endorsing certain and relevant legislation (see here.) I have led an Astrobites article on the formation of the Graduate Research and Development (GRAD) Caucus in the House of Representatives. I have also led a delegation of 10 MIT graduate students for a two-day advocacy trip in Spring 2023 where we met with over 60 House, Senate, and committee staffer in-person meetings (plus about 10 virtual meetings) on topics from graduate student mentorship to international student issues.
I have co-led the PhysGAAP initiative, where it provides application guidance resources to prospective applicants to reduce the barriers for application to the MIT Physics PhD program, and to address the underrpresentation of students from historically excluded communities. PhysGAAP offers a one-on-one mentorship program, virtual webinars, as well as a Q&A service. More information can be found here. Please reach out to me if you would like me to speak to your student group about demystifying the graduate school admissions process! This is a free service and I especially encourage requests from schools who do not typically have students going into MIT or graduate school in physics in general.
I was also a part of MIT Astrogazers, a group of MIT astrophysics graduate students, who take out telescopes on clear nights to the public and invites them to marvel at bright celestial targets like the Moon, Saturn, and Jupiter (when they are up!)
Personal History
Here are some resources that you should check out, especially if you are thinking about undertaking graduate studies in astrophysics/physics!
- Application Guidance for the MIT Physics Ph.D. program
- Astrobites